20 Oct

philippine wolf snake

Var. b. It occurs on only a few of the islands in the Philippines. Snout broad, much depressed, long, spatulate, with the upper lip swollen, and without canthus rostralis. The Indian wolf snake is nocturnal and is inactive in the day. II. Nostril small, directed upwards, between two nasals, the anterior of which is situated on the foremost part of the snout. Abdomen and tail with an angular ridge on each side. Ventrals 183-209, obtusely angulate laterally; anal divided; subcaudals 57-77, in two rows. Coluber aulicus Linnaeus, 1758Lycodon aulicus - F. Boie, 1827[1], Lycodon aulicus, commonly known as the Indian wolf snake, is a species of nonvenomous snake found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Rostral shield very low, broad, slightly bent backwards on the upper surface of the snout; anterior frontals [= internasals] very small; posterior frontals [= prefrontals] longer than broad, much more so in adult specimens than in young ones; there is a lateral notch between the anterior and posterior frontals, in which the inner anterior angle of the loreal is received; the posterior frontals have an obtuse lateral angle corresponding to the suture between loreal and praeocular; occipitals elongate. My first snake encounter at the farm was a Wolf Snake. So far, it looks like its working and the birds like what we're doing! There are nine supralabials, with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th touching the eye. Uniform brown above, without collar: Malayan peninsula, Bengal, Madras. 1890 The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma.

Hi, I'm Sylvia and my husband is Tonji. Loreal single, large, nearly twice as long as broad. [6], https://web.archive.org/web/20081121101431/http://www.goateetoni.com/articles/wolf-snake, https://web.archive.org/web/20050824191104/http://members.fortunecity.com/ukp001/naja/colubridae/lycodon_aulicus.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lycodon_aulicus&oldid=984038069, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, I. Continental varieties.

The reticulated python is one example. In reality, it is a very small and harmless snake … On paper, it sounds like it could be a scary creature of the night. Phuket), W Malaysia, Indonesia (southward as far as Timor), Philippines, Seychelles, The Maldives (accidental introduction), Mascarenes, Mauritius (introduced), S China (from Fujian and Guangdong westward to Yunnan, incl. Upper labials while or shaded with brown. The rostral touches six shields. [4], Lycodon aulicus feeds on lizards and frogs. Diet of the Wolf Snake Uniform brown above, with a while collar: Madras. Scales smooth, in 17 rows. Tag: philippine wolf snake Creatures of the Dusk, Dawn, and Day. These snakes also live on other, smaller islands in this region.

The frontal touches the parietals, supraoculars, prefrontals and preoculars. Habitat: India and Ceylon, Himalayas, Burma, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Java, Philippines, Timor. This variety is very common, and similar to, but specifically distinct from, the snake figured by Russell (i. pl. Scales smooth, with a minute apical groove, in seventeen rows.

g. Brown or greyish, with pure-while or reticulated while cross bands extending downwards to the belly, where they are broadest. Var.

It may also feign death to lure in potential prey and to avoid being chased by predators.

Boulenger, George A. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Var.

It is not at all unusual to find them in many areas of Southeast Asia. This page was last edited on 17 October 2020, at 19:53. Rostral much broader than long, just visible from above: internasals much shorter than the prefrontals; frontal usually shorter than its distance from the end of the snout or than the parietals ; loreal elongate, not entering the eye; one praeocular, usually in contact with the frontal; two postoculars; temporals small, scale-like, 2+3 or 3+3; 9 upper labials, third, fourth, and fifth entering the eye; 4 or 5 lower labials in contact with the anterior chin-shields, which are longer than the posterior. Each upper labial with a brown spot. Ceylonese varieties. [To this category belong also specimens from the Philippine Islands.]. It is of fierce habits and defends itself vigorously, however it is nonvenomous. This snake is often confused with the common krait. Praeocular single, in contact with the vertical [= frontal] and with the third labial; specimens in which it does not reach the vertical are very scarce.

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