Could it be poisonous or could we adopt it as the class' pet? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. For the best answers, search on this site now, you do have to remember that there are cross-overs in colouring, especially the poisonous snakes, so if it is a blending in colour it could easily be either poisonous or not but it is bright, it will usually be poisonous. Averaging around 1.25 m (4 ft 1 in) in length, it has glossy black upperparts, bright red or orange flanks, and a pink or dull red belly. First off, a snake may be venomous-capable of injecting toxin-but not poisonous—which would require you to taste or eat it. You don't mention a neck ring but that sounds like a northern ringnecked snake. we found a little black snake in one of my student's backpack... it's belly is yellow (no stripes). 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The kids couldn't take him home at the weekend. (DepositPhotos) Facts About Black Snakes. Do not handle the snake until you have properly identified it. There are poisonous black and yellow snakes in other parts of the world. My tomato stays in same place and doesn't move!? I suggest you contact the nearest zoo’s reptile department and ask for assistance. AKA the Inland … They belong in the wild., end of, and snakes require specialist care. Get your answers by asking now. Identify the Deadliest Snakes in the World in Australia Beware of the Fierce Snake. o and remember that i am not a professional AT ALL!!! It is not an aggressive species and generally retreats from encounters with people, but can att… so don't trust my word, stay away from it until you know weather its poisonous or not! What is the difference between a venomous snake and a poisonous snake? They are usually black above & (are you ready?) Scarlet Kingsnake (Lampropeltis elapsoides) FUN FACT: Its Genus, Lampropeltis, means ‘beautiful, … Please bear in mind also that many states have laws preventing the collection of native reptiles. Distinctive ridge extends along outer edges of belly making shed skins easily identifiable. You can sign in to vote the answer. But if you found this snake outside I would hope that eventually it ends up back there sometime soon. Non-Venomous. Still have questions? Inoffensive and bites infrequently. Hello. How do you think about the answers? They’re also shy snakes, mainly nocturnal and don’t wish to encounter humans. This relatively small snake grows to be 1 to 2 feet long and has a dark gray, black, brown or olive body with a single white to yellow stripe on its underside. Rarely, a specimen may be all yellow, or have an unusual pattern. I would suggest Marthan. These aquatic creatures eat mostly crayfish, but will also consume water bugs, fish and tadpoles. Wide colour ranges from green, olive, brown & black to rare blue-grey on upper body. The Yellow and Black Banded Krait from Thailand is an example, with its yellow and black crossbands. It’s a venomous snake with the venom containing neurotoxins. Diet: Mostly eat rodents, lizards, birds and bird eggs. The species is endemic to Australia. ? I don’t know which snake you have in mind, but the Yellow-bellied Sea Snake fits the description. Some animals do alright but most I've seen... have starved themselves to death. is a black and yellow belly snake poisonous? yellow below. Emits a strong odor from the cloaca if handled firmly. Most wild snakes do bad in captivity. Originally described by George Shawin 1794 as a species new to science, it is one of eastern Australia's most commonly encountered snakes. Queen snakes have a reddish belly with two rows of dark spots running its length. Black racer snakes are nonvenomous, but suddenly sighting them could cause quite a scare. General description: Sleek slender body with long, very thin tail. You should never keep a wild animal as a pet. now, you do have to remember that there are cross-overs in colouring, especially the poisonous snakes, so if it is a blending in colour it could easily be either poisonous or not but it is bright, it will usually be poisonous. California Kingsnake (Lampropeltis Californiae) The California kingsnake is a close relative of the … For the best answers, search on this site Your question is a serious one…please do not rely upon web photos or the other answers offered – since you did not mention location, and as there is always the chance of an escaped non-native pet, and since young snakes may vary greatly in appearance from adults, your question can only be answered by a professional viewing the animal first-hand. How long are snakes pregnant and how long for the eggs to hatch in general? Could it be poisonous or could we adopt it as the class' pet? The Eastern rat snake, like the Eastern racer, is a constrictor. I have a ball python and I’m thinking about getting a chinchilla, would they be okay to be housed in the same room.
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